Welcome to the Carleton College Russian Department!

Russian is a language of global importance, spoken natively by 158 million people worldwide. We offer language courses at all levels, plus courses on literary and cultural topics in Russian and English. Majors can focus on an area of interest, such as literature, history or political science, and many choose to double major. Students at the intermediate level and above are encouraged to participate in our biennial Russophone Studies program in Almaty, Kazakhstan.

Stay awhile. Enjoy some tea and bliny. Explore the marvels of Russian studies! Start with our Department Overview and Guide for New Students, read more about our courses and study abroad, or just look around for links and friends.

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Learn Russian from Baba Yaga!

Our home-grown online teaching program has been in use since 2009 and is now free of charge. You can register and view the site with no obligation at: Visit Baba Yaga. And check us out on Facebook!